So difficult to summarize into these little blocks
Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds every inch of your body structure and every inch in-between. It's health and balanced positioning is central in recovery from injury or disability be it physical or emotional.
Fascial imbalance results in tightness, stiffness or localized pain that doesn't resolve totally with painkillers or anti-inflammatories and often, not even with physiotherapy or chiropractic interventions.
Fascia Release is a gentle, non-invasive session to assist the release of whatever trapped energy is present.
Trying to describe kinesiology needs a few pages on it's own! An elevator speech just cannot do justice to its all encompassing nature but here goes:
Kinesiology is the science of energy balancing and is grounded in the study of anatomy and physiology (and they're not joking, I have a huge textbook). It uses muscles as monitors of stress and imbalance in the body.
Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries and other issues they meet in their daily lives .. ie everything.
It is AMAZING! So far I have 241 tools (and still some more to add) for your body to choose from and it is always so interesting to see which it selects (yes, through muscle testing .. just like I said above .. grounded in science ... developed by doctors ... it is not woowoo stuff)
Our trained practitioners utilize multiple services to treat the entire body affected by chronic and acute diseases, rather than managing or suppressing them. We work with you, one on one to not only have a healthy body but a healthy mind.
Ok that was written by the webtool but seemed pretty spot on 😆
I prefer an integrative approach. I use many modalities as mentioned before in the About Me section - if you haven't already read it, maybe now is the time.
However if your food has to be compartmentalised on your plate like my one daughter insists, we can do them individually as well.